List Quality Check

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Take action leveling up your email program.

Inform your sending strategies with these free email tools.

Assessing your email program, made easy.

Spotlight any areas for improvement in your program.

Subscriber List Analyzer

See a breakdown of your subscribers’ mailbox providers.

Subject Line Previewer

See how your subject line will appear in the inbox.

Complaint Monitor

Sign up to receive your complaint data.

Blocklist Remover

Improved your sending behavior? Ask to be removed from the Return Path Blocklist.


Subscriber List Analyzer

Break down your list by mailbox provider.

See which mailbox providers your subscriber list uses to inform an email strategy that will get you into the most inboxes possible.


Subject Line Previewer

Create flawless subject lines.

See what your subscribers see when your email lands in their inbox by testing your subject line and pre-header text across nearly 20 email clients and devices.


Complaint Monitor

Hear about complaints, fast.

Sign up for the universal feedback loop (uFBL). You’ll be notified when your subscribers report your emails as spam so you can boot them from your list.


Blocklist Remover

Get off the sender
naughty list.

If you’ve found yourself on the Return Path Blocklist and have improved your sending behavior, request to be removed.