Sender Score
You have an "ok" reputation, but there's room for improvement. Continue to follow industry best practices and optimize your email program.
Sender Metrics
Reputation Measures
Measure | Impact on this score |
Blocklists | LOW |
Complaints | LOW |
Infrastructure | LOW |
ISP Bulk Rate | Contact us for details |
Message Filtered | LOW |
Sender Rejected | LOW |
Spam Traps | 8 |
Unknown Users | LOW |
Sending Domains
Volume Sender Class
Based on the number of emails seen by our reputation network in the last 30 days, this is the volume categorization of each IP address that we have seen sending mail for this domain.
Certified by Validity
An IP address that has been Sender Certified by Validity enjoys additional delivery benefits at many of the top mailbox providers. Contact us to learn more
Return Path Safe
An IP address that is Return Path Safe enjoys additional delivery benefits at many of the top mailbox providers.
Contact us to learn more
Sender Scores are determined by scoring mail from this IP address against a set of reputation metrics. The metrics used to calculate the score, and their impact, is explained in the chart below. Additional metrics are available with our Reputation Monitor product, please contact us for more information.
Impact on this score
Based on this IP's performance, each reputation metric used in calculating a sender score can have a low, moderate or high impact on the score. Items with a high impact are contributing to more points being lost from the score than items with a low impact. The exact impact that each of these metrics has on a senders overall score is fully explained in our Reputation Monitor product. Please contact us for additional details.
A blocklist is a list of IP addresses that ISPs, spam filtering companies, or anti-spam organizations create and maintain to assist with the filtering or blocking of spam. This measures measures the impact that being listed on any of these lists is having on the sender score of this IP address.
The impact that the number of end user spam complaints is having on the sender score of this IP address.
The impact that the quality of the actual hardware used to deploy mail, commonly referred to as your Mailing Transport Agent (MTA) is having on the sender score of this IP address.
ISP Bulk Rate
The bulking rate is defined as the percentage of email that is delivered to the bulk, or spam folder. This metric is available in our Inbox Monitor product, please contact us for details.
Message Filtered
The impact that the rate of filtered mail is having on the sender score of this IP address. The filtered rate is defined as the percentage of deployed mail that was accepted at the gateway by the ISP, however was filtered into the bulk folder or not delivered at all.
Sender Rejected
The impact that the rate of rejected mail is having on the sender score of this IP address. Rejected mail is defined as any message blocked at the gateway.
Spam Traps
The number of spam trap hits over the past 7 days by this IP address. Additional metrics, including a breakdown of pristine and recycled spam trap hits, are available with our Reputation Monitor product, please contact us for more information.
Unknown Senders
The impact that the rate of mail sent to users that do not exist is having on the sender score of this IP address.
Help Info
Other IPs we have seen that map to the hostname.
Help Info
Sending domains are the from domains for messages that we have seen from
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The path to reputation greatness.
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We’re the experts in deliverability and driving maximum results from your email marketing. Let’s chat and find out how you can improve your sender reputation and raise your revenue.